Monday, April 25, 2011

d e t a c h

detach. is the word that i received.

i've explained my moves, knowing what u want for now. what i get from your words are simply hurtful. u asked me to detach myself from u, meaning to ask me to drift away and leave u alone. are there any reason behind those? i dont wish to know. maybe u had found a target? or maybe u have too many suitors over there. yes, u are popular over there, infact everywhere.

now i realize actually its my fault for making this detach thingy happen. its my fault to bring up this blog for u to see and read those lovely times we had, but it only brings tragedy. i tried to recover the password and email for this and of all the efforts, u only saw those bad times rather than the good ones. maybe i should just close this loves sharing blog off and bury it deep down whr we cant find it anymore.

even if i posted this, i dont even know if anyone is reading . or again, its only publish bad memories and words and meanings.

lastly, i believe r/s need 2 hands to clap, if one party keeps believing it wont work out, it definately wont. so, till future, so long... gd bye.

happy 25th.

reported at;
time;12:36 AM

Monday, April 18, 2011


bums...... lets start a new chap in our life and add life to this blog ok? for this chap of our life, lets make this blog a place where we can talk heart to heart and talk everything of ours here yea? muacks!

reported at;
time;2:03 AM

lingers with the old taste feels good

I'm back from aussie, and weird enough, it felt so different from the other aussie trips i had been to. this trip is so special that it really set my heart in aussie esp. in Melb. The moment i saw u sitting at the lobby waiting for me, i heart just sunk! yes, it is true. i really felt the old us back again! Days in melb are short but i dare to admit it that it is really well spent. because i have the most caring person in the whole universe for me is there. spending all her time with me. Yes, the person is u, MA SWEETEST BITCH! The msg i wanna get across to you is that, i understand things cant get it righ at this moment of time because that we had our committment to make now, BUT! no matter how long u took to finish ur stuffs in aussie, no matter how long it gonna take for u to come back to SG, i'll still wait for u in sg for you with the warmest hug u ever get in ur life time. This flame rekindle and its gonna last! i swear! ever since 25 nov 05. Muacks!

reported at;
time;1:55 AM


the SWEETEST thang.

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name: the BASTARD & the BITCH
ever SINCE: 25 NOV 2005

Christmas & first MONTH anniversary! 251205
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BITCH's bdae 020788

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