Monday, March 26, 2007



i never felt so commited before;
so please don't leave.


reported at;
time;1:40 AM

Monday, March 19, 2007

your message to me.

So we're going to part soon. Its the first time you're gonna be away for so long. I really don't know how am I going to live without you for a month but i certainly wish that you get a good rest/holiday and come back healthy; happy and contented. I know its hard for you to see your mom only once in a year; so I can't really stop you too. But I really wished I could go over with you.

I'll be good in Singapore and wait for you okay? I always feared that everything will change after you're gone; but after seeing your reaction before we part today, you just made me feel better again. You've just affirm me, with your actions. Thanks baby.

Today's the second time you cried for me/us in our 1yr4mths relationship. Know what? I really treasure all those tears that were for me. I'm really touched today. And you've just made me miss you more. Please come back safe and fine ok? I so hope that one month will just go past in a blink of an eye.


reported at;
time;1:10 AM

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

are you reading?

I'm tearing and all but I don't know why.

I did thought of going out with anyone that calls me out and just leave you out of my mind. But the fact that you're going off and I cant see you makes me turn off that idea. I just want to preserve whatever we have, before anything changes. That is why I'm fighting all that I could for time to spend together.

Maybe like what was mentioned earlier on; you guys can't have girlfriends. Because meetings are last minute, and whether or not the girlfriend is okay about it you guys would still proceed. Do you know how painful is the process? Smiling and telling you to enjoy, but in fact I didn't like the idea at all.

So you're leaving in a few days time; and till now; I only have one day left to see you, because the rest are for your buddies. To me; its quite pathetic.

reported at;
time;1:05 AM

Sunday, March 04, 2007

My message to you..

Haven't had the time to update this blog; and I only saw the Vday msg for me today, BAD ME I know. I'm sorries babyy.

Our times together has been rough; I wonder if you're feeling this way too. After reflecting time and time again, all I exchanged was tears, I'm just feeling very heavy inside me. School has been tough on me, and when things goes wrong between us, it just feels so bad in me. I had some close friends to buck me up, but somehow I knew I needed you to make me feel better.

Yeah I know, when you see this you must be thinking, if I needed you all the time you'd be so busy just to make me feel better. But somehow I juts can't control this feeling inside me, this instict that tells me to turn to you when I'm down.

You know, actually the reason why you wouldn't attend my family dinner was very obvious? You make me feel that you didn't like my family, but can you tell me why? You're rejecting my family so much nowadays. Sometimes I just wished you go, because its so hard to find excuses to cover you up for your absence. And when you go, I actually feel much better. Know sometimes my sister would brag about something that makes peple love her more? Yeah, I'd throw my temper/say very sarcastic stuffs infront of you, but actually I feel very very hurt and jealous inside me.

Family stuffs aside; I know I have very little friends, and that I have so much free time that it is all dedicated to you. Perhaps it all decreased because I wnated to spend time with you, I don't want to be sticky too; its just that I yearn to see you because all I can expect is weekends. And I'd flare up because I can't see you having the urge to meet up with me. It's quite hurting to know that I'm only seeing you once a week and that you actually don't mind at all. You ask me to get more friends so that when you're out I'm not all alone. But what if both of us are so often out with our friends that it resulted in us drifting apart? I really don't want to loose you just like that.

I try my best to put up a brave front, to show you that I'm SUPER BUSY with my life that I've no time for you. The more I do that the heavier my heart feels.

Now I just don't know what I should do.

1. To listen to you and risk us being drifted OR
2. Stay on and be there when you're free.

I'm in a great dilemma now.



reported at;
time;10:34 PM


the SWEETEST thang.

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