Monday, July 24, 2006

soemthing for you; babyy

For you;

This post is to mark something really deep in my heart.

To remember what happened on Friday; it kind of ache my heart loads. To see u tear is not I want to; jut hoped you knew what was in me, that I never dared to say. Indeed I felt that I can’t breathe from your controls and all; but that’s what I loved about you. You’re like the man of my life; with occasional sweetness, it really made me grow attached to you. With all the stuffs that we gone through, I could say that I’m not only physically but EMOTIONALLY attached to you my dear.

I know my tantrums are really sickening and all but I’ll try to change okay? I know you have been very patient with me; and really THANKS because whenever you tolerate with my temper and all, I can really see it and most of all appreciate it a lot. All these details were good enough for me to smile for days and make my bad day good again. To know that you’re always there for me; being that DA NAN REN and yet compromising with the wrongs in me that you can’t accept.

You’re really sweet, considering that you’ve done so much for me. I’m here to give you an apology and to really mean I’M SORRY. Sorry to have hurt you with all those words that made you tear; sorry for something that I didn’t dared to say. Somehow I know the truth hurts but after letting out, we started a new love on the wound I created on you. Which is kind of UNFAIR to you? Thanks for being so tolerant and all; you’ve been a GREAT man in my life that I want to hold you tight.

Baby; you’re all that I need; and please need me like how I need you. Cause without you; there won’t be Babyyboo anymore. ((:

plenty LOVES darling;

reported at;
time;12:27 AM

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


exam's stress is hindering my babyyb0o... but i have to tell u this... no matter wads infront of u, i will still support and giving u the courage to do it ya? jia you! dun always sad sad and stress abt those stupid shit of papers ahead... just take it easy and build up ur confident! jia you again! hmm.. look at those pic below, u are so confident and so happy, dun becuz of those papers spoilt your mood! muacks!

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reported at;
time;1:04 AM


the SWEETEST thang.

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