Wednesday, March 29, 2006

current status

current status: going nuts

I'm really going crazy for now; and babyy's the one driving me mad. It has been 3 days that I haven't seen him. I miss him loads loads loads. But somehow I didn't dare to tell him how much I miss him.

But babyy; deep in my heart I yearn to see you each day. And it was disappointing enough for me to end a day without seeing you. I'm really waiting for better days to come and end this misery of mine now.

missing you so much now...

reported at;
time;11:28 PM

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Today 真的很 sorry, 让你担心了。

Promise 下次不敢了好吗? Babyy不要再生气了。

your BITCH; with loads loads of love.

reported at;
time;8:27 PM

Thursday, March 16, 2006


just feeling kinda weird now. Mom came back and told me there's a outting going on 2 or 3 weeks later. The whole extended family is going on a cruise and we can't bring our partners. Mom said I can't be home alone, so I HAVE to go with them. Which I'm not really willing to. I kinda feel like staying in Singapore. SIGHs, I don't even know why m I feeling this way. >.<

reported at;
time;2:39 AM

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

indeed i'm VERY bored.

Things that I supposed to do yesterday:
get babyy's breakfast.
make a new ez-link card.
buy new uniform.
hand in check to emit asia for TIMES magazine.

In the end I only fulfilled three. I woke up late in the morning and was afraid that babby's dou jiang you tiao finished; so rushed out without the form to make my ez-link card. WELL DONE MANs. So I can't get that done.

When over to babyy's place and had a HARD TIME waking him up. Had breakfast and watch LOST. We slacked too much and time just slipped away. Was almost late to hand in the check to emit asia. BAH! After that both of us took a cabbie to Shaw towers to get my uniform.

Went over to Bugis to look for Babyy's friend and ate our SUPER DUPPER LATE LUNCH there. Proceeded for movies after that. Caught the Date Movie. It was kind of LAME; and not really worth the money. 1 hour ONLY?! But its kinda funny, so I shall forgo cursing that particular movie. Hehehehehe..

We continued to hang out til like 5am in the morning with his friends. Babyy slept over since its already morning. He left for work at 1330hrs and I slept til 1700hrs. I'm PRO man. Was too tired and it has been awhile since I stay out so late.

Kinda SAD because KL trip has been cancel due that Daddie can't book any hotels there. There goes the small getaway for me and babyy. BAH! I don't like things to go this way. But Daddie promsied a getaway on the long weekend for Good Friday. Even booked the hotel already. I hope there would be lesser homework to do by then.

Had nothing to do since babyy's at work. So I edited some pictures. :)

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gone to play maple. I'm so BORed.

reported at;
time;9:46 PM

Monday, March 06, 2006


its been some days since i last saw babyy; and i kinda miss him now. His hugs and kisses; the jokes he make on me; the running and hopping on him and MOREMOREMORE!!

Chances of us meeting up today is near zero, since school work is more important. And I guess both of us understands that fully; not blaming him though, just gonna miss him MOREMORE&MORE!

Feeling a little guilty now, because I forgot to get him cookies when I was at town yesterday. *bad me* Now I feel like getting him some, but I'm just not sure enough whether I'm meeting him or not. sighs, missing my babyy badly.

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BABYY! youre MISS-ed by ME! :(
loads of <3;
your BITCH, missing you.

reported at;
time;5:25 PM

Saturday, March 04, 2006

missing my babyy..

School's going to start pretty soon, and I guess there would be lesser time for the both of us already. Kind of make myself mentally prepared for this upcoming thing; since studying i so much more important in my life. And I guess babyy will support me all the way, I just know he'd. :)

M kinda scared, facing new people; new things; new environment. I wonder how can i adapt to it, at the same time I don't really like what is putting in front of me now. Mandrin classes; exercises! But guess its time for me to train up my independency and confidence. Maybe from there I can find back that usual self I used to be in the past.

missing my babyy now.

lots of <3;
your BITCH.

reported at;
time;11:34 PM

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Menu of the Day

Its been some time since I cooked for my babyy and TODAY! is the day I get my lazy ass off the couch and cook him ONE HEALTHY MEAL. *feels great about myself now*

So here's what I'm gonna cook:

Sichuan Pork Ribs Soup *Yum*

Golden Mrushrooms rolled in Bacon *YUMyum*

Stir Fried Vegetables *YUMMY*

Prawns with Yellow Capsicons *faints of delicious food*

After thinking of what I want to cook, I messaged babyy and ask if he still wants me to cook for him. And here's the conversation:

Bitch: babyy, you still want me to cook for you?

Bastard: haha..Erm.. What you wanna cook babyy? (immediately asks if the food was all his likings)

Bitch: *Repeats menu above.*

Bastard: lol.. OK! SET! STEADY! haha.. You brought the ingredients already? (of course you like
lahh.. all your favourite..lols!)

Bitch: Haven't, I'm going causeway point to get them.. Then meet u at Yishun station.

Bastard:huh? hmm.. ok lors.. you got enough money? (here comes the sensitive part) If can help
me use my card (WOAH! babyy pays for ingredients) to pay my BILLS also ok?

In the end its his phone bill but not the ingredients. I SHALL COLLECT laopo TAX later. MUAHAHAHAHHAH!! *evil shrugs*

lots of <3;
your BITCH

reported at;
time;2:34 PM


the SWEETEST thang.

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name: the BASTARD & the BITCH
ever SINCE: 25 NOV 2005

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BITCH's bdae 020788

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